Accounts & Tax Services(Self) |
300.00 |
Agricultural Equipment Agency Retail Sale(4-9 emply) |
2000.00 |
Agricultural Equipment Agency Whole Sale |
400.00 |
Agricultural Medicine Whole Sale |
150.00 |
Agricultural Organic Products(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Agriculture Equipment Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Agro Farm(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Aiiopathic Medicine Whole Sale(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
All Kinds Of Computer Printing & Xerox(Self) |
300.00 |
Allopathic Medicine Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Allopathic Medicine Retail Sale (1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Allopathic Medicine Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Allopathic Medicine Retail Sale(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Allopathic Medicine Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Allopathic Medicine Whole Sale |
800.00 |
Allopathic Medicine Whole Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Allopathic Medicine Whole Sale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Allopathic Medicine Whole Sale(10 to 20 Employ) |
4000.00 |
Allopathic Medicine Wholesale(Self) |
300.00 |
Alum/ Blcacling powder sell unit |
50.00 |
Animal Feed Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Animal Feed Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Animal Feed Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Animal Feed Whole Sale |
300.00 |
Animal Feed Whole Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Animal Feed Wholesale / Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Architecture(Self) |
300.00 |
Arms & Ammunation Dealer Shop |
300.00 |
Article Of Worship(Self) |
300.00 |
Atta Chaki |
300.00 |
Auto Body Builder |
800.00 |
Auto Sale Point(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Auto Scooter /Motorcycle Repairing & Spare Parts Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Auto Scooter/ Motorcycle Repairing(Self) |
300.00 |
Auto Scooter/Motorcycle Repairing & Spare Parts Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Auto Scooter/Motorcycle Repairing(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Automobile Accessories Selling (1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Automobile Accessories Selling(Self) |
300.00 |
Automobile Parts & Tube -Tyre Sales Point(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Automobile Parts , Scooter Parts Shop (Self) |
300.00 |
Automobile Parts , Scooter Parts Shop(1-3 employ) |
1000.00 |
Automobile Parts , Scooter Parts Shop(10-20 employ) |
4000.00 |
Automobile Parts , Scooter Parts Shop(4-9 employ) |
2000.00 |
Automobile Parts , scooter Parts Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Automobile Parts Shop & Servicing Centre(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Automobile Parts Shop & Servicing Centre(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Automobile Parts, Scooter Parts Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Automobile parts, Scooter Parts shop |
500.00 |
Automobile Sector Dealing & Spare Parts Saling & Servicing(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Automobile Workshop |
400.00 |
Automobile Workshop & Electronic Goods(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Automobile Workshop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Automobile Workshop(Self) |
300.00 |
Automobile/Engineering Workshop (1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Ayurvadic medicine Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Ayurvedic Product(wholesale & Retail)(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Ayurvedic Products Sale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Ayurvedic Products Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Baby Food Dealer |
350.00 |
Bag Manufacture/ Industry |
200.00 |
Bag Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Bakery Sale |
100.00 |
Bakery(4 to 9 Employ) |
2500.00 |
Baket Products |
200.00 |
Bamboo , Tarza/ Cane Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Bamboo , Tarza/Cane Shop(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Bamboo Furniture Making Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Bamboo Sale |
100.00 |
Bamboo Sale (4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Bamboo Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Bamboo Sale(4 to 9 Employ) |
2500.00 |
Bamboo Sticks & Allied Bamboo(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Bamboo Sticks & Allied Bamboo(51 & more Employee) |
20000.00 |
Bamboo Supply(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Bamboo Supply(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Bamboo Supply(Self) |
300.00 |
Bamboo. Tarza/ Cane shop |
75.00 |
Bank(10 to 20 Employ) |
5000.00 |
Bank(10 to 20 Employee) |
5000.00 |
Bank(10 to 20 Employee) |
5000.00 |
Bank(21 to 50 Employee) |
10000.00 |
Bank(4 to 9 Employ) |
2500.00 |
Bank, LIC, National Financial Institute |
500.00 |
Battaries Sales & Service & Eletricals Goods Sales(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Batteries Sales & Servicing(1 to 3 Employees) |
1000.00 |
Bear Bar/ Wine Bar |
800.00 |
Beauty Parlour(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Beauty Parlour(Self) |
300.00 |
Beauty Parlour(Self) |
300.00 |
Beer Bar/Wine Bar(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Bell Metal Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Bettlenut Shop |
50.00 |
Beutiparlour |
400.00 |
Bicycle Repairing Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Bicycle Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Bicycle Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Bicycle Wholesale & Repairing(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Bicycle/Thela/Rickshaw Repairing Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Biri, Cigarate Whole Sale |
350.00 |
Biri, Cigerate Retail Sale |
250.00 |
Biscuit , Chips , Choklate Wholesale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Biscuit , Chips , Choklate Wholesale(Self) |
300.00 |
Biscuit Bakery(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Biscuit Bakery(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Biscuit Sale Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Biscuit Sell Agency(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Biscuit sell Agency(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Blacksmith |
150.00 |
Blacksmith(Self) |
300.00 |
Book Binding Unit |
100.00 |
Book Publisher(Self) |
300.00 |
Book Stall (General) |
800.00 |
Book Stall (Self) |
300.00 |
Book Stall(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Book Stall(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Book Stall(1 to 3) |
1000.00 |
Book Stall(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Book Stall(Self) |
300.00 |
Branch Office Of Goods carrier Vehicles(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Brass & Bell Metal Utensil (Medium) |
300.00 |
Brass & Bell Metal Utensil Shop |
800.00 |
Brass & Bell Metal Utensil Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Brass & Bell Metal Utensill (Small) |
150.00 |
Brick Factory |
150.00 |
Brick Sell |
150.00 |
Bridal Makeup Institute(Self) |
300.00 |
Bridal Makup Institution(Self) |
300.00 |
Broken & Waste Materials Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Buiscuit Sell Agency |
150.00 |
Bus Association (above 50) |
1000.00 |
Bus Association (from 1 to 25) |
600.00 |
Bus Association (from 26 to 50) |
800.00 |
Bus/ Truch Body Construction Unit |
800.00 |
Byname, Pandal, Mike hire shop |
100.00 |
Cable Networking Business(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Cable T.V. |
800.00 |
Candle Factory |
350.00 |
Car accessories Item(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Car Accessories(1 to 3) |
1000.00 |
Car Accessories(Self) |
300.00 |
Car Colouring Spray Unit |
150.00 |
Car Hood, Seat Taikoring |
150.00 |
Car Washing Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Car Washing Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Carpet Ferry |
100.00 |
Carrier Agency (Inter State) |
800.00 |
Carrier Agency (State) |
600.00 |
Carry out Electrical installation work(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Cassete Library/ Tape Recorder/ Audio, Video Casset Shop |
300.00 |
Cassete Making Shop |
300.00 |
Cattle Feed(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Ceiling Materials Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Cement Dealer |
800.00 |
Cement Sels(Self) |
300.00 |
Cement, Concrete Product Sale |
200.00 |
Cement, Concrete Unit |
350.00 |
Centre Of Valuers'(Self) |
300.00 |
Chatt House |
150.00 |
Chemical Equipment and Allied Material Sale |
350.00 |
Chira Mill/ Dal Mill |
300.00 |
Chira Moori Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Chira Moori Whole Sale |
150.00 |
Chitta Shop (Retail Sale) |
50.00 |
Chitta Shop (Whole Sale) |
100.00 |
Cinema Hall (above 1250 seat) |
7000.00 |
Cinema Hall (from 751 to 1250 seat) |
5000.00 |
Cinema Hall upto 750 Seat |
3000.00 |
Clinic (4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Clinic(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Clinical Laboratory(Self) |
300.00 |
Clock Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Clock Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Cloth Retail Sale |
400.00 |
Cloth Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Cloth Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Cloth Shop Retail Sale(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Cloth Shop Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Cloth Shop wholesale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Cloth whole sale |
800.00 |
Cloth Whole Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Cloth Whole Sale(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Cloth Wholesale Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Clove Agency (above 1 lakh) |
800.00 |
Clove Agency (belloow 1 Lakh) |
350.00 |
Coal Depot |
300.00 |
Coconul Sale Unit (Retail Sale) |
50.00 |
Coconut Sale Unit (Whole Sale |
100.00 |
Coffee House |
150.00 |
Cold Drink Retail Sale |
400.00 |
Cold Drink Sales(Self) |
300.00 |
Cold Drinks Distributor(Self) |
300.00 |
Cold Drinks Whole Sale |
850.00 |
Cold Storage |
800.00 |
Colour Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Commercial & Vocation Institution |
200.00 |
Common Broker Agency |
400.00 |
Computer & Mobile Sales &Service(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Computer Education Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Computer Education Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Computer Printing |
300.00 |
Computer Printing(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Computer Printing(Self) |
300.00 |
Computer Sales & Service(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Computer Sales & Service(1 to 3) |
1000.00 |
Computer Sales & Service(1 to3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Computer Sales & Service(Self) |
300.00 |
Computer sales , Service & education Centre(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Computer Service Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Computer Training Centre |
300.00 |
Computer Training Centre(1 to 3 Employees) |
1000.00 |
Computer Training Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Concrete Udyog(Self) |
300.00 |
Confectionary Whole Sale |
500.00 |
Consultancy For Service(Self) |
300.00 |
Consultancy Office(1 to 3 Employees) |
1000.00 |
Coocking Gas Distributor (4 to 9 Employ) |
2500.00 |
Coocking Gas Stove & Pressure Cooker Servicing Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Coocking Gas Stove & Repairing(Self) |
300.00 |
Cooking Gas & Pressure Cookers Repairing(Self) |
300.00 |
Cooking Gas Dealer |
1000.00 |
Cooking Gas Distributor(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Cosmatic & Food Item(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Cosmetic & Gift Item(Self) |
300.00 |
Cosmetic Products Sale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Cosmetic Products Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Cottage Industry |
350.00 |
Cotton Grader (Dhunowala) |
100.00 |
Cotton Grader(Dhunowala)[1 to 3 Employ] |
1000.00 |
Cotton Grader[Dhunowala](Self) |
300.00 |
Cotton Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Cotton Whole Sale |
350.00 |
Courier Service & Supply(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Courier Service & Xerox(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Courier Service Centre(10 to 20 Employees) |
5000.00 |
Courier Service Centre(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Cow Firm(Self) |
300.00 |
Crockeries |
350.00 |
Crockeries(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Crockeries(1to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Crockeries(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Crockeries(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Crockeries(Self) |
300.00 |
Crockeries(Self) |
300.00 |
Customer Service Center For SBI(Self) |
300.00 |
Customer's Consult Point For Selling Four Wheeler Vehicle(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Cutting & Tailoring((Self) |
300.00 |
Cutting & Tailoring(Self) |
300.00 |
Cycle Parts Shop |
300.00 |
Cycle Parts Shop(1to 3) |
1000.00 |
Cycle Repairing Shop |
75.00 |
Cycle Whole Sale |
800.00 |
Dall roller (Spice) |
100.00 |
Dalmoot, Logence Retail Sale |
50.00 |
Dealer Branch Unit For Hyundai(10 to 20 Employee) |
5000.00 |
Dealer Of Indian E-Rickshaw & Scooter(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Dealer of Indian E-Rickshaw(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Dealer Of Tractor(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Decorator Business |
350.00 |
Dental Clinic |
300.00 |
Dental Clinic(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Diagnostic Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Diagnostic Centre(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Diagnostics Centre(10 to 20 Employees) |
4000.00 |
Diary Products |
300.00 |
Different Kinds of Howkers |
75.00 |
Disposal Item & Tea Shop(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Disposal Item(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Disposal Item(Self) |
300.00 |
Distilled Water |
200.00 |
Distilled Water Sales(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Distribution Of Servicing Of Motor Insurance Policy With Add Ones(1 to 3 Employees) |
1000.00 |
Doctor's Chamber |
350.00 |
Doctor's Chamber(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Doctors Chamber , Ultrasound & Laboratory(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Doorstep Service Centre(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Drawing Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Drinking Water & Misc. Item(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Drinking Water & Misc. Item(Self) |
300.00 |
Drinking Water Bottle Sale (Self) |
300.00 |
Drinking Water Bottle Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Drinking Water Bottle Sale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Drinking Water Bottle Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Drinking Water Bottle Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Drinking Water(Self) |
300.00 |
Drinking Water(Self) |
300.00 |
Drinking Water(Self) |
300.00 |
Drug Manufcaturing Unit |
800.00 |
Dry Bettlenut/ Coconut |
300.00 |
Dry Clean Shop(1 to 3 Shop) |
1000.00 |
Dry Cleaners & Dying |
125.00 |
Dry Cleaners(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Dry Cleaners(Self) |
300.00 |
Dry Fish (Whole Sale) |
100.00 |
Dry Fish Retail Sale |
75.00 |
Dynamo Repairing & Battery Unit(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Dynamo Repairing, Battery Charging Unit |
200.00 |
Education Consultancy(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Educational Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Educational Institute For Music(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Educational Institution (Commercial) |
5000.00 |
Educational Institution(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Educational Institution(10 to 20 Employees) |
5000.00 |
Educational Institution(21 to 50 employee) |
10000.00 |
Educational Institution(21 to 50 Employees) |
10000.00 |
Educational Institution(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Electrical |
100.00 |
Electrical (4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Electrical , Art & Print[Flex](1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Electrical Goods Whole Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Electrical Repairing Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Electrical(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Electrical(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Electrical(4 to 9 Employee |
2000.00 |
Electrical(Self) |
300.00 |
Electricals & Electronic & Supply |
1000.00 |
Electronic Goods |
1000.00 |
Electronic goods Sales & Service Centre(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Electronic goods Sales & Servicing Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Electronic Retail Sale |
200.00 |
Electronic Retail Sale (1to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Electronics Goods Sale & Servicing Centrer(Self) |
300.00 |
Electronics Goods(Self) |
300.00 |
Electronics Retail Sale & Service(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Electronics Whole Sale (1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Empty Tin |
100.00 |
Engineering Institute(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Engineering Workshop using Machanical & Electrical Power |
800.00 |
Engineering Workshop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Factory |
300.00 |
Fair Price Shop & Grocery Shop(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Fair Price Shop |
250.00 |
Fair Price Shop & Grocery(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Fair Price Shop(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Fair Price Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Fast Food Item(Self) |
300.00 |
Fast Food (Fruit Juice etc.) |
150.00 |
Fast Food(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Fertilizer Sale Unit Retail Sale |
75.00 |
Fertilizer Sales In Retail(Self) |
300.00 |
Fertilizer Sales In Wholesale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Fertilizer Sales Unit Whole Sale |
300.00 |
Filter House |
800.00 |
Finance & Commission Agent(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Finance & Commission Agent(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Finance & Commission Agent(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Finance & Investment Organisation |
850.00 |
Finance & Investment Organisation(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Fire Extinguisher(Self) |
300.00 |
Fire Wood Business |
200.00 |
Fish Sell Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Fitness Equipments Sale |
350.00 |
Flavoured Water and Juice (self) |
300.00 |
Floor Mills |
1000.00 |
Food Colour sell |
150.00 |
Food Item & Stationary Item(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Food Item (1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Food Item(Self) |
300.00 |
Food Material Distributor(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Foot wears Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Footwear shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Footwear shop(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Footwear Wholesale Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Foreign Liquir - A |
3000.00 |
Foreign Liquir - B |
2000.00 |
Fruit Retail & Whole Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Fruit Retail & Whole Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Fruit Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Fruit Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Fruit Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Fruits preservation |
250.00 |
Fruits Whole Sale |
300.00 |
Furnishing Item(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Furniture Shop |
350.00 |
Furniture Shop (1 to 3 ) |
1000.00 |
Furniture Shop (Big) |
850.00 |
Garment & Stationary Item(10 to 20 Employee) |
5000.00 |
Gas Factory |
1000.00 |
Gas Materials |
150.00 |
Gas Repairing Unit |
100.00 |
Gas Stove Sell |
200.00 |
General & Statinary Goods(4 to 9 ) |
2000.00 |
General Marchant |
250.00 |
Gents Parlour(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Gents Parlour(Self) |
300.00 |
Gents Parlour(Self) |
300.00 |
Gift Item(Self) |
300.00 |
GIIC sheet and AC sheet dealer |
800.00 |
Glass & Plywood Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
GLASS hOUSE & Plywood(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Glass Shop Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Glass Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Glass Shop Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Glass Shop Whole Sale |
300.00 |
Goldsmith(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Goldsmith(Self) |
300.00 |
Golsmith - A (Dealer/ Seller of Ready made ornaments) |
800.00 |
Golsmith - B (four and above worker) |
350.00 |
Golsmith - C (working from 2 to 3 person) |
100.00 |
Golsmith - D (Owner with one person) |
50.00 |
Grill Making & Steel fabrication(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Grill Making , Steel Fabrication & Other (1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Grill Making(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Grill Making(Self) |
300.00 |
Grocery & Disposal Item(Self) |
300.00 |
Grocery & Vegitable Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Grocery & Vegitable Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Grocery Fair Price Shop |
250.00 |
Grocery Retail &Whole Sale(1to3Employ) |
1000.00 |
Grocery Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Grocery Retail Sale(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Grocery Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Grocery Whole sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Grocery Whole Sale(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Grocery Whole Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Grocery Wholesale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Grocery(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Gunny Bag(Self) |
300.00 |
GYM & Fitness Hub(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Gymnastic Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Hair Sound System(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Haircut Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Haircut Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Handicraft Goods sale unit |
100.00 |
Handloom Factory |
300.00 |
Handloom Seller |
100.00 |
Hardware , Cold Drink & Lubricant |
1000.00 |
Hardware Business (Big) |
800.00 |
Hardware Business (Small) |
300.00 |
Hardware Goods(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Hardware Shop(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Hardware Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Hardware Shop(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Hardware Shop(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Hardware Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Head Repairing Unit |
200.00 |
Health Insurance Service(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Hoaler Mill |
3000.00 |
Home Decor(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Homeopathic & Ayurvadic Medicine Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Homeopathic Medicine Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Homeopathic Medicine Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Homeopethic and Ayurvadic Medicine Whole Sale |
300.00 |
Hotel (4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Hotel (Self) |
300.00 |
Hotel With Lodging |
300.00 |
Hotel With Lodging & Fooding |
800.00 |
Hotel with Lodging & Fooding & Marriage Hall(10 to 20 Employee) |
5000.00 |
Hotel With Lodging & Fooding(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Hotel with Lodging & Fooding(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Hotel with Lodging & Fooding(4 To 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Hotel(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Hotel(1to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Houshing Finance Service(1 to 3 Employees) |
1000.00 |
Howker |
75.00 |
Hume Pipe Culvert construction Unit |
1000.00 |
Hume Pipe, Culvert Sale |
350.00 |
Ice Cream Parlour |
200.00 |
Ice Factory |
300.00 |
Ice Factory(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Indian E-Rickshaw Sales Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Indian E-Rickshaw Sales, Service & Parts sale(1 to 3 Emolyee) |
1000.00 |
Internet Cafe |
650.00 |
Internet Cafe , Photostate &Stationary(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Internet Cafe(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Internet Cafe(Self) |
300.00 |
Internet Service(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Investment Co. |
800.00 |
Iron & Steel Trading |
300.00 |
Iron & Steel Trading(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Iron sell Unit |
800.00 |
Jewellery Processing Unit(1 to 3 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Jewellery Processing Unit(1 to 3 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Jewellery Processing Unit(4 to 9 Employees) |
3000.00 |
Jewellery Processing Unit(Self) |
1000.00 |
Jute Godown |
500.00 |
Jwelery Dealer |
800.00 |
Jwelery Processing Unit |
300.00 |
Kerosene Depot |
800.00 |
Kerosene Depot(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Kerosene Depot(Self) |
300.00 |
Kerosene Howker |
50.00 |
Kerosene Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Kitchen Appliance |
300.00 |
Kitchen Appliance(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Kitchen Appliance(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Kitchen Appliance(Self) |
300.00 |
Knitting & Ambrodery, Cutting center |
75.00 |
Knitting & Ambroidary , Cutting Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Laboratory (1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Laboratory(Self) |
300.00 |
Lathe Machine |
500.00 |
Launder Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Laundery |
100.00 |
Leather Godown |
850.00 |
Life Insurance Business(21 to 50 Employ) |
10000.00 |
Life Insurance Business(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Life Insurence Co-Ltd.(10 to 20 Employees) |
5000.00 |
Lime Whole Sale |
100.00 |
Lock & Key(Self) |
300.00 |
Lodge(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Lodge(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Lottery Ticket Retail sale |
75.00 |
Lottery Ticket Whole sale |
800.00 |
Lubricant(Self) |
300.00 |
Marble Sale Centre |
350.00 |
Marriage Hall((1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Marriage Hall(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Marriage Hall(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Maruti Suzuki Dealership(51 & More Employee) |
20000.00 |
Masala Retail Sale |
50.00 |
Masala Whole Sale |
150.00 |
Match Factory/ Agency |
250.00 |
Meat Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Melasses Retail Sale |
150.00 |
Melasses Whole Sale |
300.00 |
Mest Shop |
200.00 |
Micro - Finance(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Micro - Finance(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Milk Howker |
100.00 |
MIlk Parlour((1 to 3 Employees) |
1000.00 |
Milk Parlour(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Mini Cinema Hall(4 to 9 Employ) |
2500.00 |
Mini Cinema Hall(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Misc. Industry (Big) |
800.00 |
Misc. Industry (Small) |
350.00 |
Misc. Item (Self) |
300.00 |
Misc. Trade (above Rs. 100000/-)(Self) |
300.00 |
Misc. Trade (Max. 5 nos. of Trade) |
100.00 |
Misc. Trade (Rs. 50000/- to 100000/-) |
400.00 |
Mobile Accessories(Self) |
300.00 |
Mobile phone Sale & Service Centre(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Mobile Phone Sales & Servicing Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Mobile Recharge Card & EG Distributor Of Airtel (1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Mobile Recharge Card Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Mobile Recharge Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Mobile Repairing Centre |
250.00 |
Mobile Reparing Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Mobile Reparing Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Mobile Sale & Services(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Mobile Sale & Servicing(Self) |
300.00 |
Mobile Sale Centre |
500.00 |
Mobile Sale Centre(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Mobile Sale Centre(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Mobile Sale Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Mobile Sim Connection Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Mobile Theatre(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Mobile Theatre(Commercial) |
2000.00 |
Motor Car four Wheeler Dealer |
3000.00 |
Motor Car four Wheeler Dealer(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Motor Cycle Sub- Dealer & Servicing(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Motor Parts Shop (Big ) - A |
800.00 |
Motor Parts Shop (Small) - B |
650.00 |
Motor Workshop |
800.00 |
Music Academy & Studio(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Musical Instrument Sell & Service(Self) |
300.00 |
Musical Instrumets sell and Service |
200.00 |
Nail Factory(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Nail Making(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Natural & Artificial Flower Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
New Tyres Purchase & Selling(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
News Paper Agency |
100.00 |
News Paper Agent(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
News Paper etc. Agency |
75.00 |
Non Banking Finance(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Nursery |
100.00 |
Nursery(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Nursery(Self) |
300.00 |
Nursing Home |
4000.00 |
Nursing Home & Dispensary(21 to 50 Employee) |
10000.00 |
Nursing Home(21 to 50 Employ) |
10000.00 |
Nursing Home(21 to 50 Employee) |
10000.00 |
Office Of The Paver Block Unit(Self) |
300.00 |
Office For Poultry Feed(10 to 20 Employee) |
5000.00 |
Office Of Bamboo Sale(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Office of Spectral Polymers LLP(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Office Of The Advertising Agency(Self) |
300.00 |
Office of the Rentier for Building(Self) |
300.00 |
Office Of The Wheel Sale Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Offset/ Press(Self) |
300.00 |
Offset/Press(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Offset/Press(1 to 3) |
1000.00 |
Oil Ghani |
350.00 |
Oil Mill |
800.00 |
Old Motorcycle Sale Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Old parts of vehicle sale |
350.00 |
Online centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Online service centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Online Tutorial Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Optical Dealer |
150.00 |
Optical Repairing |
50.00 |
Optical(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Optical(Self) |
300.00 |
Orange/ Pineple etc. sanach manufacturing Unit |
250.00 |
P.C.O. (Commercial) |
350.00 |
P.S.C. Pole[Electric](4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Paddy Sale (Self) |
300.00 |
Paint House(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Paint House(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Paint House(Self) |
300.00 |
Painting Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Pan Card Service Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Pan Shop (Self) |
300.00 |
Pan Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Pan Shop Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Pan Shop Retail Sell |
50.00 |
Pan Shop Whole Sale(1 to 3 Employees) |
1000.00 |
Pan Sop Whole Sale |
150.00 |
Papad Making Factory |
100.00 |
Paper Plate/Dish , Paper Cup/glass Production & Plastic Goods Sale (1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Parlour(Self) |
300.00 |
Pathological Laboratory |
200.00 |
Pathological Laboratory(1 t0 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Pathological Laboretory(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Pathology & Radiology Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Paultry Firm Business Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Paultry farm business (whole sale) |
150.00 |
Paultry Firm Business (4 to 9 Employees) |
2500.00 |
Paver Blocks(4 to 9 Employees) |
2500.00 |
Pesticides Medicine Manufacturing/ Sale Unit |
100.00 |
Petrol & Diesel Pump(1 to 3 Employees) |
1000.00 |
Petrol & Diesel Pump(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Petrol Pumb |
800.00 |
Phenol Manufacturing Unit |
350.00 |
Photo binding/ framming house |
75.00 |
Photo Binding/Framming House(Self) |
300.00 |
Photography / Studio(Self) |
300.00 |
Photography Studio |
300.00 |
Photography Studio |
300.00 |
Photography Studio(Self) |
300.00 |
Photography/Studio(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Photostate / Xerox (Self) |
300.00 |
Photostate/ Xerox Centre |
200.00 |
Photostate/ Xerox(1 to 3 employee) |
1000.00 |
Physiotherapy Clinic(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Pickle Shop(1 to 3 Shop) |
1000.00 |
Pig Farm(Self) |
300.00 |
Pipe/ Tube etc. sell |
200.00 |
Pipe/ Tube Repairing |
150.00 |
Plastic Goods Agency |
800.00 |
Plastic Goods(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Plastic Goods(Self) |
300.00 |
Plastic Goods(Self) |
300.00 |
Plastic mag sell |
100.00 |
Plastic Paper Plate, Glass etc. sell (Self) |
300.00 |
Plastic Paper Plate, Glass etc. sell (Self) |
300.00 |
Plastic Paper Plate/Dish/Cup/Glass Etc. Sell Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Playwood Sale |
300.00 |
Plumbing Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Plywood Industry |
800.00 |
Potato/ Onion (Whole Sale) |
300.00 |
Potato/ Onion Retail Sale |
75.00 |
Potato/Onion Wholesale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Potato/Onion(Wholesale)(Self) |
300.00 |
Potteries Sale Unit |
100.00 |
Poultry feed business whole sale(10 to 20 Employees) |
5000.00 |
Poultry Feed Firm(4 To 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Poultry feed Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Poultry feed Whole sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Poultry Firm (4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Poultry Firm Business (Retail) |
50.00 |
Poultry Firm(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Poultry Firm(10 to 20 Employee) |
5000.00 |
Practical equipment for students(Chemical item Excluded)(Self) |
300.00 |
Printing & Publishing(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Printing Paper & Writing Material(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Printing Paper & Writing Material(Self) |
300.00 |
Private Hostel/ Paying Guest(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Private School / College(21 to 50 Employ) |
10000.00 |
Private School/College(10 to 20 Employee) |
5000.00 |
Professinal Medical Hospital Surgical/ Laboray eqp. sale unit |
150.00 |
Property Developer/Builders(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Public Bus Stand |
350.00 |
Publisher(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Puffed Rice(Self) |
300.00 |
Puffy Rice(Self) |
300.00 |
Puja Item(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Puja Item(Self) |
300.00 |
Radiator Repairing |
100.00 |
Radio Repairing Only |
50.00 |
Radio Sales & Servicing |
250.00 |
Raw Fish Retail & Whole Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Raw Fish Retail & Whole Sale(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Raw Fish Retail & Whole Sale(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Raw Fish Retail Sale |
75.00 |
Raw Fish whole sale |
200.00 |
Raw Vegitable (Retail Sale) |
50.00 |
Raw Vegitable Whole Sale |
200.00 |
Ready made Garment & Home Appliance(10 to 20 Employee) |
5000.00 |
Readymade Garment (Self) |
300.00 |
Readymade Garments |
75.00 |
Readymade Garments & Gift Item(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Readymade Garments(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Refrigerator, AC, Heater, Washing Machine |
350.00 |
Rehabilitate Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Restaurant /Hotel With Fooding(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Restaurant /Hotel With Fooding(4to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Restaurant /Hotel with Fooding(Self) |
300.00 |
Restaurant Cum Hotel With Fooding(4 to 9 Employ) |
2500.00 |
Restaurant Cum On Wine Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Restaurant(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Restaurant(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Restaurant/Hotel with Fooding(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Restaurent & Fast Food(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Resturent/ Hotel with fooding |
200.00 |
Retail Outlet |
15000.00 |
Retail Sales Of Patanjali Made Products(Self) |
300.00 |
Retail Vend Country Spirit(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Retailing Of Garment & Stationary Item(10 to 20 Employee) |
5000.00 |
Rice Mill |
800.00 |
Rice Mill (1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Rice Mill(4 to 9 Employees) |
2500.00 |
Rice Mill(4 to 9Employees) |
2500.00 |
Rice Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Rice Retail Sale Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Rice Whole Sale |
300.00 |
Rickswa Body Construction Unit |
300.00 |
Road Travel Agency |
350.00 |
Rubber Industry |
300.00 |
Rubber Stamp Manufacturing Unit(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Ruber Industry |
350.00 |
Ruber Stamp Manufacturing Unit |
50.00 |
Ruber Stamp Manufacturing Unit(Self) |
300.00 |
Rural Sales Outlet For Hyundai(10 to 20 Employee) |
5000.00 |
Sailine Factory |
800.00 |
Sale of 3 Wheelers E-Rickshaw(1to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Sale Of Milk Product(Self) |
300.00 |
Sales & Service Centre for Two Wheeler(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Sales & Service Centre(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Sales & Supplier(Self) |
300.00 |
Saloon (Big) |
300.00 |
Saloon (Small) |
100.00 |
Saloon(1 to 3 Employees) |
1000.00 |
Saloon(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Saloon(Self) |
300.00 |
Salt (Whole Sale) |
300.00 |
Salt Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Sand/ Bricks/ Chips sell business |
350.00 |
Sand/Bricks/Chips Sell Business(1 to 3 Employees) |
1000.00 |
Sand/Bricks/Chips Sell(Self) |
300.00 |
Sandal & Bag Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Sandal Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Sandal Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Sandal Shop Sale & Repairing(Self) |
300.00 |
Sandal whole sale |
200.00 |
Sanitary Goods Sale |
350.00 |
Sanitization Service(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Saw Mill |
800.00 |
Scooter Motocycle Dealer |
800.00 |
Scooter/Motorcycle Dealer(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Scrap Item(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Scrap Item(4-9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Scrap Item(Self) |
1000.00 |
Scrap Item(Self) |
300.00 |
Screp Goods (paper, bottle etc.) |
100.00 |
Scrop Crom Delear (Whole Sale) - A |
800.00 |
Scrop Crome Dealer (Whole Sale) - B |
300.00 |
Scrop Crome Dealer(Whole sale)[1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Scrop goods (self) |
300.00 |
Sculpture Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Second hand Car Sale Centre(Self) |
300.00 |
Sell of leather bag/ Suit case/ Chair Cushion/ Matress etc. |
150.00 |
Selling Of Tea & Coffee Item(Self) |
300.00 |
Servicing Centre |
800.00 |
Servicing for Coocking Chimney(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Sewing/ Kniting Machine Dealer shop |
300.00 |
Sewing/ Kniting Machine Parts sell |
100.00 |
Sewing/ Kniting Machine Repairing |
50.00 |
Shoe Manufacturing Factory |
300.00 |
Shoe Parts Materials |
150.00 |
Shoe Shop (Whole Sale) |
800.00 |
Shoe Shop Repairing |
50.00 |
Shoe Shop Retail Sale |
400.00 |
Shoe Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Shoe Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Shoe Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3) |
1000.00 |
Shoe Shop Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Showroom(Hero Scooter & Motorcycle) , Workshop , Spares(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Sign Board/ Art/ Plate writing unit |
100.00 |
Silver Alluminium Retail Sale |
300.00 |
Silver Alluminium Whole Sale |
800.00 |
Silver Ornamantes Manufacturing Unit - A |
250.00 |
Silver Ornaments Manufacturing Unit - B |
100.00 |
Skill Development Training Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Slaughter House |
350.00 |
Slaughterhouse(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Slaughterthouse(Self) |
300.00 |
Small Bank (10 to 20 Emplyee) |
5000.00 |
Small Bank (4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Soap Factory |
200.00 |
Social Works(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Soda Manufacturing Unit |
50.00 |
Solar Energy Iteam |
300.00 |
Sound System(Self) |
300.00 |
Spare Parts Sale & Repairing(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Spice Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Spice Shop[Whole Sale](1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Spirit Retail Sale |
75.00 |
Spirit Whole Sale |
300.00 |
Sports Item(Self) |
300.00 |
Sports Materials |
300.00 |
Sports Materials(Self) |
300.00 |
Stationary & Biscuit Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Stationary & Gift Item(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Stationary & Gift Item(Self) |
300.00 |
Stationary & Grocery Shop |
300.00 |
Stationary & Mobile Recharge Card Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Stationary & Mobile Recharge Card Sale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Stationary & Pump shop |
300.00 |
Stationary & Studio(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Stationary & Verities(Self) |
300.00 |
Stationary Goods & Baby Foods Whole Sale (4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Stationary Goods Retail Sale |
200.00 |
Stationary Goods Whole Sale |
400.00 |
Stationary Goods Whole Sale(1 to3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Stationary Item(Self) |
300.00 |
Stationery & Confectionery Wholesale(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Steel & Furniture(1 to 3Employ) |
1000.00 |
Steel & Furniture(Self) |
300.00 |
Steel & Plastic Furniture(1 t0 3 employ) |
1000.00 |
Steel & Plastic Furniture(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Steel , Plastic Etc. Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Steel Fabrication & Wire Knitting house |
800.00 |
Steel Fabrication(Self) |
300.00 |
Steel Furniture Industry |
350.00 |
Steel Furniture Industry(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Steel Furniture Industry(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Steel Furniture(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Steel Furniture(Self) |
300.00 |
Steel Plastic Etc. Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Steel, Plastic etc. shop |
150.00 |
Storage and Inflamable Goods |
350.00 |
Storage of Bamboo |
125.00 |
Storage of Coil |
300.00 |
Storage of Cotton |
350.00 |
Storage of Gunney Bag |
350.00 |
Storage of Methilated Spirit |
200.00 |
Storage of Thatch |
350.00 |
Superies Retail Sale |
50.00 |
Superies Whole Sale |
150.00 |
Supplier & Commission Agency(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Supplier and Commission Agency for differnet Trade - A |
350.00 |
Supply & Commission Agency for different Trades - B |
250.00 |
Supply & Commission Agency(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Supply & Commission Agency(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Supply & Commission Agency(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Supply & Commission Agency(Self) |
300.00 |
Supply & Contract(Self) |
300.00 |
Supply & Sales Of Indian E.Rickshaw(Self) |
300.00 |
Supply for Writing Materials(Self) |
300.00 |
Supply of Home Ground Bamboo Mat(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Sweet Sale Shop |
400.00 |
Sweet sale Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Sweet Sale Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Tailoring & Cloth Shop(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Tailoring with More than 1 machine |
300.00 |
Tailoring with one Machine |
50.00 |
Tailoring(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Tailoring(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Tailoring(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Tailoring(Self) |
300.00 |
Tax Consultant(Self) |
300.00 |
Taxi Association ( above 50) |
1000.00 |
Taxi Association (from 1 to 25) |
200.00 |
Taxi Association (from 26 to 50) |
400.00 |
Tea Dealer Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Tea Dealer Whole Sale |
300.00 |
Tea Garden Spare Parts |
400.00 |
Tea Leaf Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Tea Retail Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Tea Shop With Sweet(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Tea Shop with sweet |
100.00 |
Tea shop with Sweet(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Tea shop with sweet(Self) |
300.00 |
Tea shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Tea Stall (1 to 3 Employees) |
1000.00 |
Tea Stall with Biscuit |
75.00 |
Tea stall with Biscuit(Self) |
300.00 |
Telecom Business(4 to 9 Employ) |
2500.00 |
Telecom Item(DTH Distributor)(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Telecom Sales & Services(1 to 3 Employees) |
1000.00 |
Television & Radio Repairing Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Television Servicing/ Repairing Shop |
100.00 |
Television Servicing/Repairing Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Television Shop Dealer |
850.00 |
Television Shop Retail |
200.00 |
Temporary Goomty Shop ( 4 to 6 months) |
75.00 |
Tent House |
350.00 |
Tent House(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Thread Colouring Business |
350.00 |
Thread Whole Sale |
150.00 |
Tiles Manufacturing and Sell |
350.00 |
Timber Godown |
200.00 |
Timber Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Tobacco Leaves Retail Sale |
50.00 |
Tobacco Leaves Retail Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Tobacco Leaves Whole Sale |
200.00 |
Tobacco Zarda Retail Sale |
50.00 |
Tour's & Travel Counter(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Tourch and Tourch Battery Agency |
300.00 |
Tourch Repairing |
50.00 |
Training Centre(self) |
300.00 |
Transport(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Travel Agency(Self) |
300.00 |
Travel Counter |
800.00 |
Travel Counter(Rail & Air Ticket)[Self] |
300.00 |
Truck Terminus |
1000.00 |
Trunk Making Factory(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Trunk Making Factory(Self) |
300.00 |
Tuition Centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Two wheeler sales & service centre(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Two Wheeler Sales & Service Centre(4 to 9 Employee) |
2500.00 |
Two Wheeler Sub Dealer And Parts & Spares Sales(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Type Machine Repairing &Servicing Centre |
350.00 |
Tyre Dealer |
800.00 |
Tyre Dealer(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Tyre Repairing Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Tyre Repairing Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Tyre Resoling Unit |
800.00 |
Tyre Sales Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Tyre Wholesale & Retail(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Ultrasound Clinic(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Ultrasound Laboratory |
300.00 |
Ultrasound Laboratory(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Umbrela Repairing |
50.00 |
Umbrela Retail Sale |
75.00 |
Umbrela Whole Sale |
200.00 |
Utensil Shop (Self) |
300.00 |
Utensil Shop (Self) |
300.00 |
Utensil Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
V.C.D. |
300.00 |
Vanaspati Product and Olive Oil, Oil Dealer |
1000.00 |
Varities Iteam/ Goods on weight |
400.00 |
Varities Item for Food (4 to 9 Employees) |
2000.00 |
Vegetable Seeds |
50.00 |
Vegetable Shop(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Vegetable Shop(Self) |
300.00 |
Veterinary Medicine Sale (Self) |
300.00 |
Veterinary Medicine(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Volcanising |
300.00 |
Warehouse |
1000.00 |
Watch Repairing & Sale(Self) |
300.00 |
Water Dealer, Iron and Steel Fabrication workshop - A |
700.00 |
Water Dealer, Iron and Steel Fabrication Workshop - B |
300.00 |
Water Filter Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Water Filter Sell |
50.00 |
Water Pipe & Other Materials(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Water Pipe & Other Materials(Self) |
300.00 |
Water Pipe and other Materials |
350.00 |
Water Pipe cleaning(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Water Pump (Motor, Generator etc.) |
350.00 |
Water Purify Filter(4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Wealding Gas Dealer |
300.00 |
Wealding Unit |
300.00 |
Wealding Unit(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Wealding Unit(Self) |
300.00 |
Weight Bridge |
800.00 |
Welding & Fabrication Unit(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Welding Unit(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Wine Shop Retail Sale |
800.00 |
Wine shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Emoloyee) |
1000.00 |
Wine Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Wine Shop Whole sale |
2000.00 |
Wine Shop(IMFL ON SHOP)[1 to 3 Employee] |
1000.00 |
Wine Shop/ON Shop((4 to 9 Employee) |
2000.00 |
Wooden Furniture Making Unit(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Wooden furniture Making Unit(4 to 9 Employ) |
2000.00 |
Wooden Furniture Making Unit(Self) |
300.00 |
Wool Retail Sale |
100.00 |
Wool Whole Sale |
250.00 |
Woolen Cloth shop |
100.00 |
Writing Materials Supply(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Writing Materials(Self) |
300.00 |
Writing Materila |
200.00 |
X-Ray Clinic |
300.00 |
X-Ray Clinic(1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Xerox & Writting Materials(1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Yarn & Bag(Self) |
300.00 |
Yarn Shop (1 to 3 Employ) |
1000.00 |
Yarn Shop (1 to 3 Employee) |
1000.00 |
Yarn Shop(Self) |
300.00 |