Pathsala Municipal Board


Enter Trade type for Fees
Trade Type Fees
Accounts & Tax Services(Self) 300.00
Agricultural Equipment Agency Retail Sale(4-9 emply) 2000.00
Agricultural Equipment Agency Whole Sale 400.00
Agricultural Medicine Whole Sale 150.00
Agricultural Organic Products(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Agriculture Equipment Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Agro Farm(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Aiiopathic Medicine Whole Sale(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
All Kinds Of Computer Printing & Xerox(Self) 300.00
Allopathic Medicine Retail Sale 100.00
Allopathic Medicine Retail Sale (1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Allopathic Medicine Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Allopathic Medicine Retail Sale(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Allopathic Medicine Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Allopathic Medicine Whole Sale 800.00
Allopathic Medicine Whole Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Allopathic Medicine Whole Sale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Allopathic Medicine Whole Sale(10 to 20 Employ) 4000.00
Allopathic Medicine Wholesale(Self) 300.00
Alum/ Blcacling powder sell unit 50.00
Animal Feed Retail Sale 100.00
Animal Feed Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Animal Feed Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Animal Feed Whole Sale 300.00
Animal Feed Whole Sale(Self) 300.00
Animal Feed Wholesale / Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Architecture(Self) 300.00
Arms & Ammunation Dealer Shop 300.00
Article Of Worship(Self) 300.00
Atta Chaki 300.00
Auto Body Builder 800.00
Auto Sale Point(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Auto Scooter /Motorcycle Repairing & Spare Parts Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Auto Scooter/ Motorcycle Repairing(Self) 300.00
Auto Scooter/Motorcycle Repairing & Spare Parts Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Auto Scooter/Motorcycle Repairing(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Automobile Accessories Selling (1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Automobile Accessories Selling(Self) 300.00
Automobile Parts & Tube -Tyre Sales Point(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Automobile Parts , Scooter Parts Shop (Self) 300.00
Automobile Parts , Scooter Parts Shop(1-3 employ) 1000.00
Automobile Parts , Scooter Parts Shop(10-20 employ) 4000.00
Automobile Parts , Scooter Parts Shop(4-9 employ) 2000.00
Automobile Parts , scooter Parts Shop(Self) 300.00
Automobile Parts Shop & Servicing Centre(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Automobile Parts Shop & Servicing Centre(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Automobile Parts, Scooter Parts Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Automobile parts, Scooter Parts shop 500.00
Automobile Sector Dealing & Spare Parts Saling & Servicing(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Automobile Workshop 400.00
Automobile Workshop & Electronic Goods(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Automobile Workshop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Automobile Workshop(Self) 300.00
Automobile/Engineering Workshop (1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Ayurvadic medicine Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Ayurvedic Product(wholesale & Retail)(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Ayurvedic Products Sale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Ayurvedic Products Sale(Self) 300.00
Baby Food Dealer 350.00
Bag Manufacture/ Industry 200.00
Bag Shop(Self) 300.00
Bakery Sale 100.00
Bakery(4 to 9 Employ) 2500.00
Baket Products 200.00
Bamboo , Tarza/ Cane Shop(Self) 300.00
Bamboo , Tarza/Cane Shop(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Bamboo Furniture Making Shop(Self) 300.00
Bamboo Sale 100.00
Bamboo Sale (4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Bamboo Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Bamboo Sale(4 to 9 Employ) 2500.00
Bamboo Sticks & Allied Bamboo(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Bamboo Sticks & Allied Bamboo(51 & more Employee) 20000.00
Bamboo Supply(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Bamboo Supply(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Bamboo Supply(Self) 300.00
Bamboo. Tarza/ Cane shop 75.00
Bank(10 to 20 Employ) 5000.00
Bank(10 to 20 Employee) 5000.00
Bank(10 to 20 Employee) 5000.00
Bank(21 to 50 Employee) 10000.00
Bank(4 to 9 Employ) 2500.00
Bank, LIC, National Financial Institute 500.00
Battaries Sales & Service & Eletricals Goods Sales(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Batteries Sales & Servicing(1 to 3 Employees) 1000.00
Bear Bar/ Wine Bar 800.00
Beauty Parlour(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Beauty Parlour(Self) 300.00
Beauty Parlour(Self) 300.00
Beer Bar/Wine Bar(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Bell Metal Shop(Self) 300.00
Bettlenut Shop 50.00
Beutiparlour 400.00
Bicycle Repairing Shop(Self) 300.00
Bicycle Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Bicycle Shop(Self) 300.00
Bicycle Wholesale & Repairing(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Bicycle/Thela/Rickshaw Repairing Shop(Self) 300.00
Biri, Cigarate Whole Sale 350.00
Biri, Cigerate Retail Sale 250.00
Biscuit , Chips , Choklate Wholesale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Biscuit , Chips , Choklate Wholesale(Self) 300.00
Biscuit Bakery(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Biscuit Bakery(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Biscuit Sale Shop(Self) 300.00
Biscuit Sell Agency(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Biscuit sell Agency(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Blacksmith 150.00
Blacksmith(Self) 300.00
Book Binding Unit 100.00
Book Publisher(Self) 300.00
Book Stall (General) 800.00
Book Stall (Self) 300.00
Book Stall(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Book Stall(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Book Stall(1 to 3) 1000.00
Book Stall(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Book Stall(Self) 300.00
Branch Office Of Goods carrier Vehicles(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Brass & Bell Metal Utensil (Medium) 300.00
Brass & Bell Metal Utensil Shop 800.00
Brass & Bell Metal Utensil Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Brass & Bell Metal Utensill (Small) 150.00
Brick Factory 150.00
Brick Sell 150.00
Bridal Makeup Institute(Self) 300.00
Bridal Makup Institution(Self) 300.00
Broken & Waste Materials Shop(Self) 300.00
Buiscuit Sell Agency 150.00
Bus Association (above 50) 1000.00
Bus Association (from 1 to 25) 600.00
Bus Association (from 26 to 50) 800.00
Bus/ Truch Body Construction Unit 800.00
Byname, Pandal, Mike hire shop 100.00
Cable Networking Business(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Cable T.V. 800.00
Candle Factory 350.00
Car accessories Item(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Car Accessories(1 to 3) 1000.00
Car Accessories(Self) 300.00
Car Colouring Spray Unit 150.00
Car Hood, Seat Taikoring 150.00
Car Washing Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Car Washing Centre(Self) 300.00
Carpet Ferry 100.00
Carrier Agency (Inter State) 800.00
Carrier Agency (State) 600.00
Carry out Electrical installation work(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Cassete Library/ Tape Recorder/ Audio, Video Casset Shop 300.00
Cassete Making Shop 300.00
Cattle Feed(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Ceiling Materials Sale(Self) 300.00
Cement Dealer 800.00
Cement Sels(Self) 300.00
Cement, Concrete Product Sale 200.00
Cement, Concrete Unit 350.00
Centre Of Valuers'(Self) 300.00
Chatt House 150.00
Chemical Equipment and Allied Material Sale 350.00
Chira Mill/ Dal Mill 300.00
Chira Moori Retail Sale 100.00
Chira Moori Whole Sale 150.00
Chitta Shop (Retail Sale) 50.00
Chitta Shop (Whole Sale) 100.00
Cinema Hall (above 1250 seat) 7000.00
Cinema Hall (from 751 to 1250 seat) 5000.00
Cinema Hall upto 750 Seat 3000.00
Clinic (4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Clinic(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Clinical Laboratory(Self) 300.00
Clock Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Clock Shop(Self) 300.00
Cloth Retail Sale 400.00
Cloth Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Cloth Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Cloth Shop Retail Sale(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Cloth Shop Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Cloth Shop wholesale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Cloth whole sale 800.00
Cloth Whole Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Cloth Whole Sale(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Cloth Wholesale Shop(Self) 300.00
Clove Agency (above 1 lakh) 800.00
Clove Agency (belloow 1 Lakh) 350.00
Coal Depot 300.00
Coconul Sale Unit (Retail Sale) 50.00
Coconut Sale Unit (Whole Sale 100.00
Coffee House 150.00
Cold Drink Retail Sale 400.00
Cold Drink Sales(Self) 300.00
Cold Drinks Distributor(Self) 300.00
Cold Drinks Whole Sale 850.00
Cold Storage 800.00
Colour Shop(Self) 300.00
Commercial & Vocation Institution 200.00
Common Broker Agency 400.00
Computer & Mobile Sales &Service(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Computer Education Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Computer Education Centre(Self) 300.00
Computer Printing 300.00
Computer Printing(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Computer Printing(Self) 300.00
Computer Sales & Service(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Computer Sales & Service(1 to 3) 1000.00
Computer Sales & Service(1 to3 Employee) 1000.00
Computer Sales & Service(Self) 300.00
Computer sales , Service & education Centre(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Computer Service Centre(Self) 300.00
Computer Training Centre 300.00
Computer Training Centre(1 to 3 Employees) 1000.00
Computer Training Centre(Self) 300.00
Concrete Udyog(Self) 300.00
Confectionary Whole Sale 500.00
Consultancy For Service(Self) 300.00
Consultancy Office(1 to 3 Employees) 1000.00
Coocking Gas Distributor (4 to 9 Employ) 2500.00
Coocking Gas Stove & Pressure Cooker Servicing Centre(Self) 300.00
Coocking Gas Stove & Repairing(Self) 300.00
Cooking Gas & Pressure Cookers Repairing(Self) 300.00
Cooking Gas Dealer 1000.00
Cooking Gas Distributor(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Cosmatic & Food Item(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Cosmetic & Gift Item(Self) 300.00
Cosmetic Products Sale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Cosmetic Products Sale(Self) 300.00
Cottage Industry 350.00
Cotton Grader (Dhunowala) 100.00
Cotton Grader(Dhunowala)[1 to 3 Employ] 1000.00
Cotton Grader[Dhunowala](Self) 300.00
Cotton Retail Sale 100.00
Cotton Whole Sale 350.00
Courier Service & Supply(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Courier Service & Xerox(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Courier Service Centre(10 to 20 Employees) 5000.00
Courier Service Centre(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Cow Firm(Self) 300.00
Crockeries 350.00
Crockeries(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Crockeries(1to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Crockeries(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Crockeries(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Crockeries(Self) 300.00
Crockeries(Self) 300.00
Customer Service Center For SBI(Self) 300.00
Customer's Consult Point For Selling Four Wheeler Vehicle(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Cutting & Tailoring((Self) 300.00
Cutting & Tailoring(Self) 300.00
Cycle Parts Shop 300.00
Cycle Parts Shop(1to 3) 1000.00
Cycle Repairing Shop 75.00
Cycle Whole Sale 800.00
Dall roller (Spice) 100.00
Dalmoot, Logence Retail Sale 50.00
Dealer Branch Unit For Hyundai(10 to 20 Employee) 5000.00
Dealer Of Indian E-Rickshaw & Scooter(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Dealer of Indian E-Rickshaw(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Dealer Of Tractor(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Decorator Business 350.00
Dental Clinic 300.00
Dental Clinic(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Diagnostic Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Diagnostic Centre(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Diagnostics Centre(10 to 20 Employees) 4000.00
Diary Products 300.00
Different Kinds of Howkers 75.00
Disposal Item & Tea Shop(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Disposal Item(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Disposal Item(Self) 300.00
Distilled Water 200.00
Distilled Water Sales(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Distribution Of Servicing Of Motor Insurance Policy With Add Ones(1 to 3 Employees) 1000.00
Doctor's Chamber 350.00
Doctor's Chamber(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Doctors Chamber , Ultrasound & Laboratory(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Doorstep Service Centre(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Drawing Centre(Self) 300.00
Drinking Water & Misc. Item(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Drinking Water & Misc. Item(Self) 300.00
Drinking Water Bottle Sale (Self) 300.00
Drinking Water Bottle Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Drinking Water Bottle Sale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Drinking Water Bottle Sale(Self) 300.00
Drinking Water Bottle Sale(Self) 300.00
Drinking Water(Self) 300.00
Drinking Water(Self) 300.00
Drinking Water(Self) 300.00
Drug Manufcaturing Unit 800.00
Dry Bettlenut/ Coconut 300.00
Dry Clean Shop(1 to 3 Shop) 1000.00
Dry Cleaners & Dying 125.00
Dry Cleaners(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Dry Cleaners(Self) 300.00
Dry Fish (Whole Sale) 100.00
Dry Fish Retail Sale 75.00
Dynamo Repairing & Battery Unit(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Dynamo Repairing, Battery Charging Unit 200.00
Education Consultancy(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Educational Centre(Self) 300.00
Educational Institute For Music(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Educational Institution (Commercial) 5000.00
Educational Institution(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Educational Institution(10 to 20 Employees) 5000.00
Educational Institution(21 to 50 employee) 10000.00
Educational Institution(21 to 50 Employees) 10000.00
Educational Institution(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Electrical 100.00
Electrical (4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Electrical , Art & Print[Flex](1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Electrical Goods Whole Sale(Self) 300.00
Electrical Repairing Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Electrical(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Electrical(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Electrical(4 to 9 Employee 2000.00
Electrical(Self) 300.00
Electricals & Electronic & Supply 1000.00
Electronic Goods 1000.00
Electronic goods Sales & Service Centre(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Electronic goods Sales & Servicing Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Electronic Retail Sale 200.00
Electronic Retail Sale (1to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Electronics Goods Sale & Servicing Centrer(Self) 300.00
Electronics Goods(Self) 300.00
Electronics Retail Sale & Service(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Electronics Whole Sale (1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Empty Tin 100.00
Engineering Institute(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Engineering Workshop using Machanical & Electrical Power 800.00
Engineering Workshop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Factory 300.00
Fair Price Shop & Grocery Shop(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Fair Price Shop 250.00
Fair Price Shop & Grocery(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Fair Price Shop(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Fair Price Shop(Self) 300.00
Fast Food Item(Self) 300.00
Fast Food (Fruit Juice etc.) 150.00
Fast Food(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Fertilizer Sale Unit Retail Sale 75.00
Fertilizer Sales In Retail(Self) 300.00
Fertilizer Sales In Wholesale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Fertilizer Sales Unit Whole Sale 300.00
Filter House 800.00
Finance & Commission Agent(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Finance & Commission Agent(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Finance & Commission Agent(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Finance & Investment Organisation 850.00
Finance & Investment Organisation(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Fire Extinguisher(Self) 300.00
Fire Wood Business 200.00
Fish Sell Shop(Self) 300.00
Fitness Equipments Sale 350.00
Flavoured Water and Juice (self) 300.00
Floor Mills 1000.00
Food Colour sell 150.00
Food Item & Stationary Item(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Food Item (1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Food Item(Self) 300.00
Food Material Distributor(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Foot wears Shop(Self) 300.00
Footwear shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Footwear shop(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Footwear Wholesale Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Foreign Liquir - A 3000.00
Foreign Liquir - B 2000.00
Fruit Retail & Whole Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Fruit Retail & Whole Sale(Self) 300.00
Fruit Retail Sale 100.00
Fruit Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Fruit Shop(Self) 300.00
Fruits preservation 250.00
Fruits Whole Sale 300.00
Furnishing Item(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Furniture Shop 350.00
Furniture Shop (1 to 3 ) 1000.00
Furniture Shop (Big) 850.00
Garment & Stationary Item(10 to 20 Employee) 5000.00
Gas Factory 1000.00
Gas Materials 150.00
Gas Repairing Unit 100.00
Gas Stove Sell 200.00
General & Statinary Goods(4 to 9 ) 2000.00
General Marchant 250.00
Gents Parlour(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Gents Parlour(Self) 300.00
Gents Parlour(Self) 300.00
Gift Item(Self) 300.00
GIIC sheet and AC sheet dealer 800.00
Glass & Plywood Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
GLASS hOUSE & Plywood(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Glass Shop Retail Sale 100.00
Glass Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Glass Shop Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Glass Shop Whole Sale 300.00
Goldsmith(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Goldsmith(Self) 300.00
Golsmith - A (Dealer/ Seller of Ready made ornaments) 800.00
Golsmith - B (four and above worker) 350.00
Golsmith - C (working from 2 to 3 person) 100.00
Golsmith - D (Owner with one person) 50.00
Grill Making & Steel fabrication(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Grill Making , Steel Fabrication & Other (1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Grill Making(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Grill Making(Self) 300.00
Grocery & Disposal Item(Self) 300.00
Grocery & Vegitable Shop(Self) 300.00
Grocery & Vegitable Shop(Self) 300.00
Grocery Fair Price Shop 250.00
Grocery Retail &Whole Sale(1to3Employ) 1000.00
Grocery Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Grocery Retail Sale(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Grocery Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Grocery Whole sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Grocery Whole Sale(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Grocery Whole Sale(Self) 300.00
Grocery Wholesale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Grocery(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Gunny Bag(Self) 300.00
GYM & Fitness Hub(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Gymnastic Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Hair Sound System(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Haircut Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Haircut Centre(Self) 300.00
Handicraft Goods sale unit 100.00
Handloom Factory 300.00
Handloom Seller 100.00
Hardware , Cold Drink & Lubricant 1000.00
Hardware Business (Big) 800.00
Hardware Business (Small) 300.00
Hardware Goods(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Hardware Shop(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Hardware Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Hardware Shop(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Hardware Shop(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Hardware Shop(Self) 300.00
Head Repairing Unit 200.00
Health Insurance Service(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Hoaler Mill 3000.00
Home Decor(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Homeopathic & Ayurvadic Medicine Retail Sale 100.00
Homeopathic Medicine Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Homeopathic Medicine Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Homeopethic and Ayurvadic Medicine Whole Sale 300.00
Hotel (4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Hotel (Self) 300.00
Hotel With Lodging 300.00
Hotel With Lodging & Fooding 800.00
Hotel with Lodging & Fooding & Marriage Hall(10 to 20 Employee) 5000.00
Hotel With Lodging & Fooding(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Hotel with Lodging & Fooding(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Hotel with Lodging & Fooding(4 To 9 Employee) 2000.00
Hotel(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Hotel(1to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Houshing Finance Service(1 to 3 Employees) 1000.00
Howker 75.00
Hume Pipe Culvert construction Unit 1000.00
Hume Pipe, Culvert Sale 350.00
Ice Cream Parlour 200.00
Ice Factory 300.00
Ice Factory(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Indian E-Rickshaw Sales Shop(Self) 300.00
Indian E-Rickshaw Sales, Service & Parts sale(1 to 3 Emolyee) 1000.00
Internet Cafe 650.00
Internet Cafe , Photostate &Stationary(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Internet Cafe(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Internet Cafe(Self) 300.00
Internet Service(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Investment Co. 800.00
Iron & Steel Trading 300.00
Iron & Steel Trading(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Iron sell Unit 800.00
Jewellery Processing Unit(1 to 3 Employ) 2000.00
Jewellery Processing Unit(1 to 3 Employee) 2000.00
Jewellery Processing Unit(4 to 9 Employees) 3000.00
Jewellery Processing Unit(Self) 1000.00
Jute Godown 500.00
Jwelery Dealer 800.00
Jwelery Processing Unit 300.00
Kerosene Depot 800.00
Kerosene Depot(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Kerosene Depot(Self) 300.00
Kerosene Howker 50.00
Kerosene Retail Sale 100.00
Kitchen Appliance 300.00
Kitchen Appliance(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Kitchen Appliance(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Kitchen Appliance(Self) 300.00
Knitting & Ambrodery, Cutting center 75.00
Knitting & Ambroidary , Cutting Centre(Self) 300.00
Laboratory (1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Laboratory(Self) 300.00
Lathe Machine 500.00
Launder Shop(Self) 300.00
Laundery 100.00
Leather Godown 850.00
Life Insurance Business(21 to 50 Employ) 10000.00
Life Insurance Business(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Life Insurence Co-Ltd.(10 to 20 Employees) 5000.00
Lime Whole Sale 100.00
Lock & Key(Self) 300.00
Lodge(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Lodge(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Lottery Ticket Retail sale 75.00
Lottery Ticket Whole sale 800.00
Lubricant(Self) 300.00
Marble Sale Centre 350.00
Marriage Hall((1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Marriage Hall(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Marriage Hall(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Maruti Suzuki Dealership(51 & More Employee) 20000.00
Masala Retail Sale 50.00
Masala Whole Sale 150.00
Match Factory/ Agency 250.00
Meat Shop(Self) 300.00
Melasses Retail Sale 150.00
Melasses Whole Sale 300.00
Mest Shop 200.00
Micro - Finance(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Micro - Finance(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Milk Howker 100.00
MIlk Parlour((1 to 3 Employees) 1000.00
Milk Parlour(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Mini Cinema Hall(4 to 9 Employ) 2500.00
Mini Cinema Hall(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Misc. Industry (Big) 800.00
Misc. Industry (Small) 350.00
Misc. Item (Self) 300.00
Misc. Trade (above Rs. 100000/-)(Self) 300.00
Misc. Trade (Max. 5 nos. of Trade) 100.00
Misc. Trade (Rs. 50000/- to 100000/-) 400.00
Mobile Accessories(Self) 300.00
Mobile phone Sale & Service Centre(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Mobile Phone Sales & Servicing Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Mobile Recharge Card & EG Distributor Of Airtel (1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Mobile Recharge Card Sale(Self) 300.00
Mobile Recharge Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Mobile Repairing Centre 250.00
Mobile Reparing Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Mobile Reparing Centre(Self) 300.00
Mobile Sale & Services(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Mobile Sale & Servicing(Self) 300.00
Mobile Sale Centre 500.00
Mobile Sale Centre(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Mobile Sale Centre(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Mobile Sale Centre(Self) 300.00
Mobile Sim Connection Centre(Self) 300.00
Mobile Theatre(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Mobile Theatre(Commercial) 2000.00
Motor Car four Wheeler Dealer 3000.00
Motor Car four Wheeler Dealer(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Motor Cycle Sub- Dealer & Servicing(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Motor Parts Shop (Big ) - A 800.00
Motor Parts Shop (Small) - B 650.00
Motor Workshop 800.00
Music Academy & Studio(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Musical Instrument Sell & Service(Self) 300.00
Musical Instrumets sell and Service 200.00
Nail Factory(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Nail Making(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Natural & Artificial Flower Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
New Tyres Purchase & Selling(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
News Paper Agency 100.00
News Paper Agent(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
News Paper etc. Agency 75.00
Non Banking Finance(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Nursery 100.00
Nursery(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Nursery(Self) 300.00
Nursing Home 4000.00
Nursing Home & Dispensary(21 to 50 Employee) 10000.00
Nursing Home(21 to 50 Employ) 10000.00
Nursing Home(21 to 50 Employee) 10000.00
Office Of The Paver Block Unit(Self) 300.00
Office For Poultry Feed(10 to 20 Employee) 5000.00
Office Of Bamboo Sale(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Office of Spectral Polymers LLP(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Office Of The Advertising Agency(Self) 300.00
Office of the Rentier for Building(Self) 300.00
Office Of The Wheel Sale Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Offset/ Press(Self) 300.00
Offset/Press(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Offset/Press(1 to 3) 1000.00
Oil Ghani 350.00
Oil Mill 800.00
Old Motorcycle Sale Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Old parts of vehicle sale 350.00
Online centre(Self) 300.00
Online service centre(Self) 300.00
Online Tutorial Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Optical Dealer 150.00
Optical Repairing 50.00
Optical(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Optical(Self) 300.00
Orange/ Pineple etc. sanach manufacturing Unit 250.00
P.C.O. (Commercial) 350.00
P.S.C. Pole[Electric](4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Paddy Sale (Self) 300.00
Paint House(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Paint House(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Paint House(Self) 300.00
Painting Shop(Self) 300.00
Pan Card Service Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Pan Shop (Self) 300.00
Pan Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Pan Shop Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Pan Shop Retail Sell 50.00
Pan Shop Whole Sale(1 to 3 Employees) 1000.00
Pan Sop Whole Sale 150.00
Papad Making Factory 100.00
Paper Plate/Dish , Paper Cup/glass Production & Plastic Goods Sale (1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Parlour(Self) 300.00
Pathological Laboratory 200.00
Pathological Laboratory(1 t0 3 Employee) 1000.00
Pathological Laboretory(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Pathology & Radiology Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Paultry Firm Business Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Paultry farm business (whole sale) 150.00
Paultry Firm Business (4 to 9 Employees) 2500.00
Paver Blocks(4 to 9 Employees) 2500.00
Pesticides Medicine Manufacturing/ Sale Unit 100.00
Petrol & Diesel Pump(1 to 3 Employees) 1000.00
Petrol & Diesel Pump(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Petrol Pumb 800.00
Phenol Manufacturing Unit 350.00
Photo binding/ framming house 75.00
Photo Binding/Framming House(Self) 300.00
Photography / Studio(Self) 300.00
Photography Studio 300.00
Photography Studio 300.00
Photography Studio(Self) 300.00
Photography/Studio(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Photostate / Xerox (Self) 300.00
Photostate/ Xerox Centre 200.00
Photostate/ Xerox(1 to 3 employee) 1000.00
Physiotherapy Clinic(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Pickle Shop(1 to 3 Shop) 1000.00
Pig Farm(Self) 300.00
Pipe/ Tube etc. sell 200.00
Pipe/ Tube Repairing 150.00
Plastic Goods Agency 800.00
Plastic Goods(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Plastic Goods(Self) 300.00
Plastic Goods(Self) 300.00
Plastic mag sell 100.00
Plastic Paper Plate, Glass etc. sell (Self) 300.00
Plastic Paper Plate, Glass etc. sell (Self) 300.00
Plastic Paper Plate/Dish/Cup/Glass Etc. Sell Shop(Self) 300.00
Playwood Sale 300.00
Plumbing Shop(Self) 300.00
Plywood Industry 800.00
Potato/ Onion (Whole Sale) 300.00
Potato/ Onion Retail Sale 75.00
Potato/Onion Wholesale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Potato/Onion(Wholesale)(Self) 300.00
Potteries Sale Unit 100.00
Poultry feed business whole sale(10 to 20 Employees) 5000.00
Poultry Feed Firm(4 To 9 Employee) 2000.00
Poultry feed Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Poultry feed Whole sale(Self) 300.00
Poultry Firm (4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Poultry Firm Business (Retail) 50.00
Poultry Firm(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Poultry Firm(10 to 20 Employee) 5000.00
Practical equipment for students(Chemical item Excluded)(Self) 300.00
Printing & Publishing(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Printing Paper & Writing Material(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Printing Paper & Writing Material(Self) 300.00
Private Hostel/ Paying Guest(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Private School / College(21 to 50 Employ) 10000.00
Private School/College(10 to 20 Employee) 5000.00
Professinal Medical Hospital Surgical/ Laboray eqp. sale unit 150.00
Property Developer/Builders(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Public Bus Stand 350.00
Publisher(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Puffed Rice(Self) 300.00
Puffy Rice(Self) 300.00
Puja Item(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Puja Item(Self) 300.00
Radiator Repairing 100.00
Radio Repairing Only 50.00
Radio Sales & Servicing 250.00
Raw Fish Retail & Whole Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Raw Fish Retail & Whole Sale(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Raw Fish Retail & Whole Sale(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Raw Fish Retail Sale 75.00
Raw Fish whole sale 200.00
Raw Vegitable (Retail Sale) 50.00
Raw Vegitable Whole Sale 200.00
Ready made Garment & Home Appliance(10 to 20 Employee) 5000.00
Readymade Garment (Self) 300.00
Readymade Garments 75.00
Readymade Garments & Gift Item(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Readymade Garments(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Refrigerator, AC, Heater, Washing Machine 350.00
Rehabilitate Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Restaurant /Hotel With Fooding(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Restaurant /Hotel With Fooding(4to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Restaurant /Hotel with Fooding(Self) 300.00
Restaurant Cum Hotel With Fooding(4 to 9 Employ) 2500.00
Restaurant Cum On Wine Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Restaurant(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Restaurant(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Restaurant/Hotel with Fooding(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Restaurent & Fast Food(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Resturent/ Hotel with fooding 200.00
Retail Outlet 15000.00
Retail Sales Of Patanjali Made Products(Self) 300.00
Retail Vend Country Spirit(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Retailing Of Garment & Stationary Item(10 to 20 Employee) 5000.00
Rice Mill 800.00
Rice Mill (1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Rice Mill(4 to 9 Employees) 2500.00
Rice Mill(4 to 9Employees) 2500.00
Rice Retail Sale 100.00
Rice Retail Sale Shop(Self) 300.00
Rice Whole Sale 300.00
Rickswa Body Construction Unit 300.00
Road Travel Agency 350.00
Rubber Industry 300.00
Rubber Stamp Manufacturing Unit(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Ruber Industry 350.00
Ruber Stamp Manufacturing Unit 50.00
Ruber Stamp Manufacturing Unit(Self) 300.00
Rural Sales Outlet For Hyundai(10 to 20 Employee) 5000.00
Sailine Factory 800.00
Sale of 3 Wheelers E-Rickshaw(1to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Sale Of Milk Product(Self) 300.00
Sales & Service Centre for Two Wheeler(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Sales & Service Centre(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Sales & Supplier(Self) 300.00
Saloon (Big) 300.00
Saloon (Small) 100.00
Saloon(1 to 3 Employees) 1000.00
Saloon(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Saloon(Self) 300.00
Salt (Whole Sale) 300.00
Salt Retail Sale 100.00
Sand/ Bricks/ Chips sell business 350.00
Sand/Bricks/Chips Sell Business(1 to 3 Employees) 1000.00
Sand/Bricks/Chips Sell(Self) 300.00
Sandal & Bag Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Sandal Retail Sale 100.00
Sandal Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Sandal Shop Sale & Repairing(Self) 300.00
Sandal whole sale 200.00
Sanitary Goods Sale 350.00
Sanitization Service(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Saw Mill 800.00
Scooter Motocycle Dealer 800.00
Scooter/Motorcycle Dealer(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Scrap Item(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Scrap Item(4-9 Employee) 2000.00
Scrap Item(Self) 1000.00
Scrap Item(Self) 300.00
Screp Goods (paper, bottle etc.) 100.00
Scrop Crom Delear (Whole Sale) - A 800.00
Scrop Crome Dealer (Whole Sale) - B 300.00
Scrop Crome Dealer(Whole sale)[1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Scrop goods (self) 300.00
Sculpture Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Second hand Car Sale Centre(Self) 300.00
Sell of leather bag/ Suit case/ Chair Cushion/ Matress etc. 150.00
Selling Of Tea & Coffee Item(Self) 300.00
Servicing Centre 800.00
Servicing for Coocking Chimney(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Sewing/ Kniting Machine Dealer shop 300.00
Sewing/ Kniting Machine Parts sell 100.00
Sewing/ Kniting Machine Repairing 50.00
Shoe Manufacturing Factory 300.00
Shoe Parts Materials 150.00
Shoe Shop (Whole Sale) 800.00
Shoe Shop Repairing 50.00
Shoe Shop Retail Sale 400.00
Shoe Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Shoe Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Shoe Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3) 1000.00
Shoe Shop Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Showroom(Hero Scooter & Motorcycle) , Workshop , Spares(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Sign Board/ Art/ Plate writing unit 100.00
Silver Alluminium Retail Sale 300.00
Silver Alluminium Whole Sale 800.00
Silver Ornamantes Manufacturing Unit - A 250.00
Silver Ornaments Manufacturing Unit - B 100.00
Skill Development Training Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Slaughter House 350.00
Slaughterhouse(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Slaughterthouse(Self) 300.00
Small Bank (10 to 20 Emplyee) 5000.00
Small Bank (4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Soap Factory 200.00
Social Works(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Soda Manufacturing Unit 50.00
Solar Energy Iteam 300.00
Sound System(Self) 300.00
Spare Parts Sale & Repairing(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Spice Shop(Self) 300.00
Spice Shop[Whole Sale](1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Spirit Retail Sale 75.00
Spirit Whole Sale 300.00
Sports Item(Self) 300.00
Sports Materials 300.00
Sports Materials(Self) 300.00
Stationary & Biscuit Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Stationary & Gift Item(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Stationary & Gift Item(Self) 300.00
Stationary & Grocery Shop 300.00
Stationary & Mobile Recharge Card Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Stationary & Mobile Recharge Card Sale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Stationary & Pump shop 300.00
Stationary & Studio(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Stationary & Verities(Self) 300.00
Stationary Goods & Baby Foods Whole Sale (4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Stationary Goods Retail Sale 200.00
Stationary Goods Whole Sale 400.00
Stationary Goods Whole Sale(1 to3 Employ) 1000.00
Stationary Item(Self) 300.00
Stationery & Confectionery Wholesale(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Steel & Furniture(1 to 3Employ) 1000.00
Steel & Furniture(Self) 300.00
Steel & Plastic Furniture(1 t0 3 employ) 1000.00
Steel & Plastic Furniture(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Steel , Plastic Etc. Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Steel Fabrication & Wire Knitting house 800.00
Steel Fabrication(Self) 300.00
Steel Furniture Industry 350.00
Steel Furniture Industry(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Steel Furniture Industry(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Steel Furniture(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Steel Furniture(Self) 300.00
Steel Plastic Etc. Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Steel, Plastic etc. shop 150.00
Storage and Inflamable Goods 350.00
Storage of Bamboo 125.00
Storage of Coil 300.00
Storage of Cotton 350.00
Storage of Gunney Bag 350.00
Storage of Methilated Spirit 200.00
Storage of Thatch 350.00
Superies Retail Sale 50.00
Superies Whole Sale 150.00
Supplier & Commission Agency(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Supplier and Commission Agency for differnet Trade - A 350.00
Supply & Commission Agency for different Trades - B 250.00
Supply & Commission Agency(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Supply & Commission Agency(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Supply & Commission Agency(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Supply & Commission Agency(Self) 300.00
Supply & Contract(Self) 300.00
Supply & Sales Of Indian E.Rickshaw(Self) 300.00
Supply for Writing Materials(Self) 300.00
Supply of Home Ground Bamboo Mat(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Sweet Sale Shop 400.00
Sweet sale Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Sweet Sale Shop(Self) 300.00
Tailoring & Cloth Shop(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Tailoring with More than 1 machine 300.00
Tailoring with one Machine 50.00
Tailoring(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Tailoring(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Tailoring(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Tailoring(Self) 300.00
Tax Consultant(Self) 300.00
Taxi Association ( above 50) 1000.00
Taxi Association (from 1 to 25) 200.00
Taxi Association (from 26 to 50) 400.00
Tea Dealer Retail Sale 100.00
Tea Dealer Whole Sale 300.00
Tea Garden Spare Parts 400.00
Tea Leaf Shop(Self) 300.00
Tea Retail Sale(Self) 300.00
Tea Shop With Sweet(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Tea Shop with sweet 100.00
Tea shop with Sweet(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Tea shop with sweet(Self) 300.00
Tea shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Tea Stall (1 to 3 Employees) 1000.00
Tea Stall with Biscuit 75.00
Tea stall with Biscuit(Self) 300.00
Telecom Business(4 to 9 Employ) 2500.00
Telecom Item(DTH Distributor)(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Telecom Sales & Services(1 to 3 Employees) 1000.00
Television & Radio Repairing Shop(Self) 300.00
Television Servicing/ Repairing Shop 100.00
Television Servicing/Repairing Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Television Shop Dealer 850.00
Television Shop Retail 200.00
Temporary Goomty Shop ( 4 to 6 months) 75.00
Tent House 350.00
Tent House(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Thread Colouring Business 350.00
Thread Whole Sale 150.00
Tiles Manufacturing and Sell 350.00
Timber Godown 200.00
Timber Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Tobacco Leaves Retail Sale 50.00
Tobacco Leaves Retail Shop(Self) 300.00
Tobacco Leaves Whole Sale 200.00
Tobacco Zarda Retail Sale 50.00
Tour's & Travel Counter(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Tourch and Tourch Battery Agency 300.00
Tourch Repairing 50.00
Training Centre(self) 300.00
Transport(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Travel Agency(Self) 300.00
Travel Counter 800.00
Travel Counter(Rail & Air Ticket)[Self] 300.00
Truck Terminus 1000.00
Trunk Making Factory(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Trunk Making Factory(Self) 300.00
Tuition Centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Two wheeler sales & service centre(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Two Wheeler Sales & Service Centre(4 to 9 Employee) 2500.00
Two Wheeler Sub Dealer And Parts & Spares Sales(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Type Machine Repairing &Servicing Centre 350.00
Tyre Dealer 800.00
Tyre Dealer(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Tyre Repairing Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Tyre Repairing Shop(Self) 300.00
Tyre Resoling Unit 800.00
Tyre Sales Shop(Self) 300.00
Tyre Wholesale & Retail(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Ultrasound Clinic(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Ultrasound Laboratory 300.00
Ultrasound Laboratory(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Umbrela Repairing 50.00
Umbrela Retail Sale 75.00
Umbrela Whole Sale 200.00
Utensil Shop (Self) 300.00
Utensil Shop (Self) 300.00
Utensil Shop(Self) 300.00
V.C.D. 300.00
Vanaspati Product and Olive Oil, Oil Dealer 1000.00
Varities Iteam/ Goods on weight 400.00
Varities Item for Food (4 to 9 Employees) 2000.00
Vegetable Seeds 50.00
Vegetable Shop(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Vegetable Shop(Self) 300.00
Veterinary Medicine Sale (Self) 300.00
Veterinary Medicine(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Volcanising 300.00
Warehouse 1000.00
Watch Repairing & Sale(Self) 300.00
Water Dealer, Iron and Steel Fabrication workshop - A 700.00
Water Dealer, Iron and Steel Fabrication Workshop - B 300.00
Water Filter Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Water Filter Sell 50.00
Water Pipe & Other Materials(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Water Pipe & Other Materials(Self) 300.00
Water Pipe and other Materials 350.00
Water Pipe cleaning(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Water Pump (Motor, Generator etc.) 350.00
Water Purify Filter(4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Wealding Gas Dealer 300.00
Wealding Unit 300.00
Wealding Unit(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Wealding Unit(Self) 300.00
Weight Bridge 800.00
Welding & Fabrication Unit(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Welding Unit(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Wine Shop Retail Sale 800.00
Wine shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Emoloyee) 1000.00
Wine Shop Retail Sale(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Wine Shop Whole sale 2000.00
Wine Shop(IMFL ON SHOP)[1 to 3 Employee] 1000.00
Wine Shop/ON Shop((4 to 9 Employee) 2000.00
Wooden Furniture Making Unit(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Wooden furniture Making Unit(4 to 9 Employ) 2000.00
Wooden Furniture Making Unit(Self) 300.00
Wool Retail Sale 100.00
Wool Whole Sale 250.00
Woolen Cloth shop 100.00
Writing Materials Supply(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Writing Materials(Self) 300.00
Writing Materila 200.00
X-Ray Clinic 300.00
X-Ray Clinic(1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Xerox & Writting Materials(1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Yarn & Bag(Self) 300.00
Yarn Shop (1 to 3 Employ) 1000.00
Yarn Shop (1 to 3 Employee) 1000.00
Yarn Shop(Self) 300.00